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Welcome to AOR Dynamics LLC


About Me

Performance Shooting, Grounded by Real World Experience

In a world of aesthetics and clout, AOR Dynamics brings something different to the realm of firearms training: real-world experience. As a full-time former SWAT officer in a major metro, we encountered reality at its most violent and lived to tell about it. I learned a few things along the way worth sharing.


The world we live in is always evolving, we should be too.


Whether you just got your first gun, or you've deployed with one abroad, I am more than capable of helping you evolve too.


Check out my scheduled classes, or contact me for private lessons.


I want to give a huge shout out to John Shipman of AOR Dynamics. I've personally witnessed few shooters who can match his level of technical skill with a handgun. He's just a beast when running the gun. He's a solid Instructor to boot and did an excellent job of conveying information, concepts, and skills to his student throughout the class. For his Instructor candidates, he sets his standards very high, but he works tirelessly to provide them with everything they need to meet or exceed those standards - as long as they're willing to put in the hard work!


Folks, if you are thinking about switching to an RDS, or have already made the switch, I implore you to get in touch with John at AOR Dynamics and let him help you unlock your performance potential! I don't care how good you are right now, he can help you get better! Better yet, get in touch with me and we'll put a class together and have him come back out!

-Chris Shoffner


(816) 685-0679

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